Christian Living For The Teenager:
Traversing The Bridge from Childhood to Adulthood
This website is dedicated to the individual who is willing to fight the good fight of the Christian faith; who wants to govern their life with Biblical truth and God-given morals and values
for themselves, their families, and their future.
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."
Jeremiah 29:11 ESV
Dan Royster's Blog, MA, MS,
Retired Professional School Counselor & Educator
The truth is you're a teenager now and irreversibly on your way to becoming a young adult.
Being a teenager, succeeding in high school, fitting in, making friends, learning independence, autonomy, responsibility, and also planning your future can be hard.
These are just some of the things that you'll need to accomplish as a teenager. But, you are not alone; God is there to help you and guide you in every aspect of your life. In a world that claims there are no absolutes, God is the ultimate absolute for your life and wants you to seek Him out with every transition, decision, choice, and stage of life.
THAT'S RIGHT! You're Not A Child Anymore!
Even if you're a young adult or a middle-aged parent, you may not be content with the path that you are on. Like the young lady on the right, you are on a specific path but, something is missing in the way you live your life; you can tell things are not right.
Over the years as a professional high school counselor, those teenagers that had either attempted suicide or thought seriously about it had one thing in common; they lacked a sense of purpose in their life. When I asked them, "Why did you try to end your life?" or "Why do you not want to live any longer?" Their response was always the same; "I don't know what I am living for."
Our teenagers need a purpose in their lives; that need for purpose is met in relationship with God. In a world that promotes that there is no absolute truth, it affects how we live. We need the absolute truth of God, our Creator, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit, our Comforter.