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UC Irvine

Mesa Dormitories


You are strongly urged to take the SAT for the first time in March of your junior year.  Why?  There is a considerable amount of testing to complete and most all universities want all of it completed by the end of December of your Senior year.  As you can see from the Sample Assessment Schedule below, it is a considerable amount of testing to complete.  

SAT Score Reporting

Every time you take the SAT or the SAT Subject Tests you are granted four (4) free score reports, regardless of whether you paid for your test with a Fee Waiver or directly.  These free score reports are only available up to nine (9) days after your test date (usually 2nd Monday after the test date).  If you send them to one UC (University of California), regardless of whether you are applying to that school or not, all the UCs will share the score report.  

To make this same process work for CSUs (Cal States or California State Universities), there are more steps  to the process.  In the school search window look for MORE SEARCH OPTIONS in blue print and click on it.  A little box with CODE written above it will appear.  Type 3594 in the box and click search.  CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY MENTOR Long Beach, CA should appear in the search list, add them.  THIS sends your SAT scores to ALL Cal States as one score report.


There are an additional 4 free one-time score reports given to each test taker.  These are often best used to send any final score reporting required by your applications.  Bear in mind, any and all final score reporting for UCs & CSUs is due to the school by December 31st of the year that you are applying. 


If you have ANY intention on applying to a UC or CSU school, you should send your scores within 9 days after EACH TIME that you test using the method described above.  

2019-2020 SAT
Registration Flyer 

You can take the SAT up to three (3) times (2 of those times for free if you are on free/reduced lunch).  Most colleges will use your scores from your highest test date.  

SAT Math
Review Flyer 
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Dan Royster's Blog


Dan Royster's Blog
Dan Royster, MA, MS
Professional School Counselor

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